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Dear readers, we are back to take a closer look at the major challenges facing our industry in Insights!

For this issue, Dr. David Edwards, professor of bioengineering and founder of start-ups like Foodberry and Le Laboratoire, looks at how societal changes shape medicine and health care approaches, as well as the impact of health care innovations on society.

You’ll also find out how start-up TheraSonic is breaking through the protective barriers of the brain with their ultrasound-based technology.

Ever wondered why such a large majority of health care innovation is concentrated in the Boston-Cambridge ecosystem? William Sellers, MIT Broad Institute member and head of Harvard’s cancer program; Rachele Ryan, Director of Partnerships at Lab Central; and Nabeel Bardeesy, associate Professor at Massachusetts General Cancer Center, tell us how therapeutic innovation flourishes in this unique place.

When it comes to health care, is it really possible to think about “environmental cost” in the same way as other sectors? Faced with ever-increasing medical needs, Mathis Egnell, engineer in charge of the Shift Project’s health program, addresses this question by exploring ways of balancing the objectives of reducing environmental impact and increasing medicine production.

Lastly, did you know that the World Health Organization (WHO) reports that despite major medical advances in recent years, management of chronic diseases remains extremely poor, largely due to low adherence to treatment? In a new podcast co-created with Politico, find out what solutions exist to remove the obstacles to optimal treatment adherence.

Happy reading!


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